Ishq is continuing for second time

Nithin and Nithya Menon in Gunde Jaari Gallathayinde (GJG)

Shooting of Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde (GJG) directing by director Vijay is going smoothley as per the scheduled dates. The movie unit starting its 2nd schedule in Hyderabad and comic scenes will be shooted between Nithin and Ali.

Nithya Menon who already shared screen with Nithin in Inshq a block buster movie is again playing lead role in the movie along with Nithin and Isha Talwar is playing second lead.

The music is composed by Anup Rubens and Nikitha Reddy prouducing the film under Sresth Movies and Vikram Goud presenting the movie. The team had already given a BoxOffice block buster Ishq recently and going with owee for the second hit with the same ISHQ in them.